amaya waymon
I miss you very much you were very smart i thinkof you were every i go i will never forget you my special auntie!
We first met when I was working for the Dept of Education and was relocating to Gainesville. You were pregant and you befriended me, and you became a true friend. We laughed, cried and helped each other to do our best on and off the job. When ever you needed some help with your program I was right there. When ever I needed to talk, you listened. You told me secrets, and I told you secrets. I moved away to New Jersey in 1999, and we still talked. In my last conversation, I invited you to bring your daughterfor a visit and we'd go to New York and have a ball. Although we lost contact, I never forgot the friend that you were to me. I will never forget your unconditional love that you had for people. I wil never forget you, my friend.
I was just talking to Jackie, your best buddy classmate and reminiscing how you were always a good neighbor/friend willing to listen and how we cried on each other's shoulders. As Joe's cuz, you sorta "introduced" them or "talked to Jackie for Joe" smile. Working in our father's tobacco fields, etc. "yes, the good times that made us laugh" as the song just said...
I didn't realize that you even passed on Joe's birthday. And Jackie just reminded me that your father passed on her birthday. wow!
We all miss you Viv. Your wisdom and desire to see the children of Hamilton County succeed, whether family or friends. Hamilton County and the school system just haven't been the same since you were called home. I miss your passion and the love you had for our children!!!
Oh, and I miss your mama's Teacakes, 'cause you could get her to bake some when no one else could.(smile)
We will all see you again when we meet our maker!!! R.I.P.
In her honor the past School Superintendent honored her by starting the " The Vivian J. Scott Reading Award" which is given in her honor to fifth, eighth and twelfth grade students who demonstrate the most improvement in reading for that year at each of the schools in Hamilton County. As she was an outstanding advocate for reading instruction."
I know that I've said it time and time again, thank you. I miss the support you gave me through my divorce and with my career goals. You never allowed me to make excuses or gave me the opportunity to wallow in self pity. You inspired my goals far beyond anything else in my life. And though we'd had this conversation many times it seems that I still speak to you when I am at a crossroad in my life. I don't call on others for that support any more but I do think about what you would say to me. "Do what feels right and the rest will fall into place." I miss you dearly.