Vivian Laverne Jackson-Scott - Site web commémoratif en ligne

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Vivian Jackson-Scott
Né àFlorida
55 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Livre Commémoratif
Memories in the heart never fade away; only grow deeper and more cherished... Live..Love..Laugh...

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Vivian Laverne Jackson-Scott who was born in White Springs,Florida on January 2, 1952 and passed away onSeptember 11, 2007 at home in Jasper, Florida while surrounded by the love of family. You will live forever in our memories and hearts. As we remember our beloved Viv's life on this side of the wall. Please share your memories and pictures of Viv with our family. Please take a minute and lite a candle before you leave this site and share your memory with usThanks for sharing with us. And lastly, do smile and remember her just that way.   The family

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